🌱THE MIND OF CHRIST (Phillipians. 2:5)


Dear Beloved in Christ,

In this powerful teaching, Apostle Selman explores the mystery of seeing Jesus through the lens of the mind of Christ.

He reveals how the transformation of our minds is essential to becoming like Christ and manifesting His life and power.

Prepare to discover how embracing the mind of Christ brings clarity, purpose, and spiritual authority in every area of life.

Feature Article:

We See Jesus: Understanding the Mind of Christ

In the message “We See Jesus: The Mind of Christ,” Apostle Joshua Selman unpacks the critical role that having the mind of Christ plays in the believer's journey of faith.

To truly see Jesus—His nature, will, and purposes—requires a transformation in our thinking. Apostle Selman emphasizes that the mind of Christ is not just about positive thinking or a good attitude; it is about embracing the mindset of humility, servanthood, obedience, and love that Christ Himself demonstrated.

The more we align our thoughts and perspectives with His, the more we can live out His purpose for our lives.

Key Scriptures:

  • Hebrews 2:9:
    “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone.”

    • Apostle Selman explains that this passage reflects the dual nature of Christ’s mission—His suffering and His glory. When we "see Jesus," we must recognize both the humility He displayed in coming to earth and the glory He now holds. By seeing Jesus rightly, we adopt His mindset of humility and obedience to the will of God, which leads us into our own path of glory through Christ.

  • Philippians 2:5-7:
    “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.”

    • Apostle Selman highlights this passage as a key to understanding the mind of Christ. The humility, selflessness, and willingness to serve that Christ demonstrated are characteristics we are called to embrace. By choosing to walk in humility, we not only align ourselves with Christ's nature but also position ourselves for true spiritual greatness and authority.

  • 1 Corinthians 2:16:
    “For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.”

    • Apostle Selman emphasizes that believers are not called to think like the world, but to think like Christ. The mind of Christ gives us spiritual insight, wisdom, and the ability to discern God’s will in all situations. Through the Holy Spirit, we are equipped to see life from God’s perspective, allowing us to navigate challenges, relationships, and opportunities with divine wisdom and understanding.

Reflection & Application:

Walking in the Mind of Christ: A Path to Spiritual Authority

In “We See Jesus: The Mind of Christ,” Apostle Selman outlines key principles to help believers walk in the fullness of the mind of Christ and experience the transformational power that comes with it. Here’s how you can apply these principles in your life:

  1. Cultivate a Heart of Humility:

    Apostle Selman teaches that humility is at the core of the mind of Christ. Jesus, though equal with God, humbled Himself and took on the form of a servant.

    To see Jesus and reflect His nature, we must first humble ourselves before God and others. Humility is the foundation for receiving revelation and spiritual growth.

  2. Renew Your Mind with the Word of God:

    The transformation of the mind is essential for adopting the mind of Christ. Apostle Selman encourages believers to immerse themselves in the Word of God, allowing it to shape their thoughts, attitudes, and perspectives.

    The more our minds are renewed by Scripture, the more we will think, act, and respond like Christ.

  3. Embrace the Spirit of Service:

    Just as Christ served others, we are called to live lives of service. Apostle Selman emphasizes that true greatness in the kingdom of God is measured by how well we serve others.

    By adopting the mind of Christ, we learn to prioritize the needs of others, and in doing so, we reflect the heart of Jesus.

  4. Live with Eternal Perspective:

    The mind of Christ is always focused on eternal realities. Apostle Selman teaches that seeing Jesus means understanding that our lives on earth are temporary and that our ultimate purpose is to glorify God and fulfill His eternal plans.

    When we have the mind of Christ, we prioritize kingdom values over earthly pursuits and live with an awareness of eternity.

  5. Seek Spiritual Wisdom and Discernment:

    Apostle Selman explains that the mind of Christ grants us spiritual discernment. With it, we can navigate life’s decisions with clarity and purpose.

    We must ask God for wisdom in all things, trusting that He will guide us through His Spirit. The more we align our minds with Christ’s, the more we will operate in divine wisdom and power.

Spiritual Growth Tips:

Daily Devotional: Prayer for the Mind of Christ

“Lord Jesus, I thank You for giving me access to Your mind through the Holy Spirit. I ask for the grace to humble myself, serve others, and align my thoughts with Your Word. Help me to see life through Your eyes and walk in the wisdom and power that comes from having the mind of Christ. Transform my heart and mind daily, that I may reflect Your glory in all I do. Amen.”

Engagement Section:

Reflect and Share:
How has this message on the mind of Christ challenged your thinking and spiritual journey? What steps are you taking to align your thoughts with God’s perspective? We would love to hear your reflections and testimonies! Reply to this email or join our online community to share.

Closing Message:

Apostle Selman’s message, “We See Jesus: The Mind of Christ,” calls us to adopt the mindset of Christ in every aspect of our lives. As we intentionally renew our minds with the Word of God and seek to serve others, we will grow in spiritual authority and clarity. Remember, the mind of Christ is a gift given to every believer through the Holy Spirit—let us steward it well and reflect Jesus in all we do.

Call to Action:

Know someone who would benefit from learning about the mind of Christ? Share this newsletter with them and invite them to experience the transformational power of seeing Jesus more clearly!