🌱 Greater Light: Unveiling the Mysteries of Dominion

When we possess deeper revelation, we can overcome darkness, limitations, and challenges in every area of our lives.

Dear Kingdom Ambassador,

Welcome to this edition of our newsletter! Today, we’re thrilled to delve into one of Apostle Joshua Selman’s most profound teachings titled “Greater Light (The Mysteries of Dominion).” In this revelatory message, Apostle Selman uncovers the mysteries of spiritual dominion, explaining how light—symbolizing spiritual revelation—empowers believers to reign in life. He teaches us how to access and walk in the greater light necessary to manifest God’s will on earth. Get ready to receive deep insights that will propel you into new dimensions of authority and influence.

Feature Article:

Greater Light: Unveiling the Mysteries of Dominion

In his powerful sermon “Greater Light,” Apostle Joshua Selman teaches that dominion, a central theme in the life of every believer, is tied to the degree of spiritual light (revelation) we carry. This light represents understanding and wisdom from God, which empowers us to enforce His will and establish His kingdom on earth. Without greater light, our ability to walk in dominion is limited. However, when we possess deeper revelation, we can overcome darkness, limitations, and challenges in every area of our lives.

Key Scriptures:

  • Genesis 1:16:
    “God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars.”

    • Apostle Selman uses this scripture as a metaphor to explain that in the spiritual realm, there are varying degrees of light. The greater the light we walk in, the more authority we have to govern the day—symbolizing dominion over time, seasons, and territories. He teaches that God’s desire is for believers to walk in the “greater light” of revelation that governs the day and dispels every form of darkness.

  • Isaiah 60:1-3:
    “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

    • This scripture forms the basis of the call to rise into greater light. Apostle Selman emphasizes that it is not enough to merely have light, but our light must increase in intensity and reach. When we walk in greater light, we not only govern over darkness, but nations and leaders are drawn to the brightness of our revelation.

  • John 1:5:
    “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

    • Apostle Selman explains that the greater the light we carry, the more we overcome darkness. Spiritual ignorance, lack, fear, and sickness are forms of darkness that can only be dispelled by the light of God’s Word. Dominion, therefore, is a function of the measure of light (revelation) you carry.

Reflection & Application:

Walking in Greater Light: How to Access and Manifest Dominion

Apostle Selman’s teaching on “Greater Light” reveals that dominion is directly proportional to our level of spiritual understanding. He emphasizes the need for believers to pursue greater light if they want to walk in sustained victory and influence.

Practical Steps:

  1. Pursue Revelation through God’s Word:
    Apostle Selman teaches that light comes from the Word of God (Psalm 119:130). To access greater light, we must dedicate time to studying and meditating on the scriptures. As we immerse ourselves in the Word, layers of revelation are unveiled, equipping us with the wisdom to govern and reign in life.

  2. Cultivate a Lifestyle of Prayer:
    Prayer is a channel through which we access the mysteries of the kingdom. Apostle Selman highlights that sustained prayer allows us to receive deeper insights from the Spirit of God. Greater light is revealed when we pray in alignment with God’s will, asking Him to open our eyes to hidden truths.

  3. Seek Mentorship and Spiritual Alignment:
    Dominion is often a product of alignment with the right spiritual authority. Apostle Selman stresses the importance of being under the covering of leaders who themselves walk in higher realms of light. As we align ourselves with seasoned men and women of God, we tap into the grace and revelation they carry.

  4. Obey the Light You Receive:
    It’s not enough to receive revelation; we must act on it. Obedience to the light you have guarantees access to greater light. Apostle Selman explains that as we faithfully apply the truths God reveals to us, we position ourselves for more profound revelations that bring us into greater levels of dominion.

Spiritual Growth Tips:

Daily Devotional: Prayer for Greater Light

“Lord, I ask for greater light in every area of my life. Open my eyes to the hidden truths in Your Word. Let Your revelation illuminate every dark place in my life, and empower me to walk in the dominion You have promised. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Engagement Section:

Reflect and Share:

What area of your life do you need to see greater light? How has God’s revelation empowered you to walk in dominion? We’d love to hear your testimonies and insights! Reply to this email or share on our community platform.

Closing Message:

As Apostle Selman often reminds us, “The level of light you carry determines the level of dominion you walk in.” May this message inspire you to seek greater light and walk in the fullness of your God-given authority. As you pursue deeper revelation, may every form of darkness be dispelled, and may you rise to new dimensions of influence and impact.

Call to Action:

Know someone who would benefit from this powerful teaching? Share this newsletter with them and help them experience the mysteries of dominion through greater light!