🌱Enforcing Victory and Dominion

What Does God Gain from Our Victory?

Dear Beloved in Christ,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! In this edition of our newsletter, we explore an extraordinary teaching by Apostle Joshua Selman titled “Enforcing Victory and Dominion: What Does God Gain from Our Victory?” 

This message reveals profound insights into the purpose of our victories and how they contribute to God’s ultimate plan.

Apostle Selman explains that our triumphs go beyond personal benefits—they fulfill a higher purpose in God’s Kingdom.

Prepare to have your understanding of victory and dominion reshaped!

Feature Article:

Enforcing Victory and Dominion: Understanding God’s Purpose Behind Our Triumphs

In his sermon “Enforcing Victory and Dominion,” Apostle Joshua Selman shares deeper questions on what God gains from our victories.

Many believers understand that God desires for us to live in victory, but few comprehend how our victories serve God’s divine purpose. Apostle Selman teaches that while victory brings personal freedom, blessings, and joy, it also serves as a tool to establish God’s Kingdom on earth, glorify His name, and demonstrate His power to the world.

This message challenges believers to see their victories as part of a broader Kingdom agenda. Every triumph we experience—whether over sin, sickness, financial struggles, or spiritual battles—reveals God's authority and power.

It is through our victories that we reflect His glory and contribute to His overarching plan to bring redemption to the world.

Key Scriptures:

  • 2 Corinthians 2:14:
    “Now thanks be unto God, who always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savour of His knowledge by us in every place.”

    • Apostle Selman emphasizes that our victories spread the knowledge of God everywhere. Every time we triumph in life, we become living testimonies of God’s goodness, power, and faithfulness.

      Our victories make God known to the world and cause others to witness His reality through us. Thus, God gains the expansion of His influence through the victories of His people.

  • Ephesians 3:10:
    “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.”

    • This verse highlights a profound truth: our victories demonstrate the wisdom of God, even to spiritual powers. Apostle Selman teaches that God uses the church’s victories to display His multifaceted wisdom, not only to the physical world but also to the unseen spiritual realm.

      Through our triumphs, God shows that His purposes will always prevail, and that His wisdom is supreme.

  • John 15:8:
    “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

    • Apostle Selman stresses that one of the greatest ways we glorify God is by living fruitful, victorious lives. Every time we overcome obstacles and walk in dominion, we bear fruit that brings honor to God.

      Our victories point people back to God as the source of our strength, drawing them to His Kingdom.

Reflection & Application:

What God Gains from Our Victory: A Kingdom Perspective

Apostle Selman outlines how our personal victories fit into God’s eternal purpose and why they matter to Him. Here are some key insights to apply in your life:

  1. Your Victory Reveals God’s Power to the World:
    When you enforce victory over challenges in your life, you become a testimony of God's power to those around you. Apostle Selman teaches that your victory is not just for you—it is a public declaration of God’s ability to save, heal, and deliver. Through your testimony, others are encouraged to place their trust in God.

  2. Your Triumph Expands God’s Kingdom:
    Every victory you experience contributes to advancing God’s Kingdom on earth. Whether it’s a breakthrough in your finances, overcoming a generational curse, or achieving spiritual growth, Apostle Selman emphasizes that these victories are part of God’s larger mission to establish His reign on earth. As you enforce dominion in various aspects of your life, you are helping to manifest God's will on earth as it is in heaven.

  3. Victory Over Darkness Declares God’s Supremacy:
    Apostle Selman teaches that our victories declare the supremacy of God over the forces of darkness. Every time you defeat sin, sickness, or demonic oppression, you are showcasing God’s authority over the kingdom of darkness. This glorifies God by revealing that no power or force can stand against His sovereign will.

  4. Your Victory Demonstrates God’s Faithfulness to His Promises:
    When you enforce victory in your life, you are living proof of God’s faithfulness. Apostle Selman highlights that God is committed to fulfilling His promises to His children, and every victory we experience shows that He is a covenant-keeping God. This builds faith in the lives of others who witness God’s promises come to pass through you.

  5. Your Dominion Enhances Your Role as an Ambassador of Christ:
    Dominion is not just about authority but also about responsibility. Apostle Selman teaches that when you enforce dominion, you are fulfilling your role as an ambassador of Christ on earth. Your life becomes a reflection of the Kingdom of God, where His rule and reign are evident. This sets an example for others and brings honor to God.

Spiritual Growth Tips:

Daily Devotional: Prayer for Enforcing Victory and Glorifying God

“Father, I thank You for the victory that I have in Christ. Help me to enforce that victory in every area of my life. Let my triumphs reveal Your power, wisdom, and goodness to those around me. Use my life as a testimony of Your faithfulness and a tool for advancing Your Kingdom. I declare that I will walk in dominion and that every victory will bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Engagement Section:

Reflect and Share:
How has God used your personal victories to impact others or glorify His name? Have you experienced how your triumphs are part of God’s bigger plan? We’d love to hear your testimonies and reflections. Feel free to reply to this email or share on our community platform.

Closing Message:

Apostle Selman’s message “Enforcing Victory and Dominion: What Does God Gain from Our Victory?” invites us to see our triumphs from a Kingdom perspective.

Victory is more than personal—it is part of God’s strategy to demonstrate His power and establish His will on earth. As you walk in the victory that Christ has already won for you, remember that your life is a testimony that brings glory to God and expands His Kingdom.

May you continue to enforce victory and dominion, knowing that God gains glory and honor through every triumph!

Call to Action:

Do you know someone who could benefit from understanding the deeper purpose behind their victories? Share this newsletter with them and encourage them to start enforcing their victory in a way that glorifies God and advances His Kingdom!