🌱Deliver Us From Evil

A Transformative Message by Apostle Joshua Selman

Dear Kingdom Ambassador, 

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus! In this edition of our newsletter, we delve into a powerful message by Apostle Joshua Selman titled “Deliver Us From Evil.” 

In this profound teaching, Apostle Selman reveals the spiritual realities behind the evil forces that seek to destroy destinies and hinder God’s purpose for our lives.

He provides biblical insights on how to secure divine protection, break free from demonic influence, and walk in victory.

This message is a wake-up call to every believer, urging us to be vigilant and fully armored in our spiritual journey.

Prayed asking the Lord Jesus to guide me to some good opportunities to take photos today . When I was nearly finished suddenly I met a stranger wearing this T shirt . Why not pray and ask Jesus with your photos ..or anything else ?

Feature Article:

Deliver Us From Evil: Understanding the Forces that War Against Us 

In the message “Deliver Us From Evil,” Apostle Joshua Selman exposes the operations of darkness that target believers and their destinies. He begins by explaining that while evil is a reality in this fallen world, believers have the authority to overcome it.

Evil manifests in various forms—temptation, spiritual attacks, opposition to our progress, and even physical harm. Apostle Selman teaches that the enemy’s primary goal is to derail believers from fulfilling God’s purpose, but through the power of God, we can be delivered from all forms of evil.

The prayer “deliver us from evil” comes directly from the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13), reminding us that protection from evil is a daily necessity. Apostle Selman stresses that we must actively seek God’s covering and engage in spiritual warfare to ensure that no evil power prospers against us.

Key Scriptures:

Matthew 6:13: 

 â€śAnd lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

Apostle Selman points out that Jesus Himself taught His disciples to pray for deliverance from evil, underscoring the importance of this prayer for every believer. We must not underestimate the enemy’s strategies but rely on God’s grace to shield us from evil forces. Apostle Selman encourages believers to pray this prayer regularly, understanding that God’s protection is vital for fulfilling our divine destiny.

Psalm 91:3: 

 â€śSurely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.”

- This verse highlights God’s promise of deliverance from hidden dangers and evil traps. Apostle Selman teaches that the enemy often sets up spiritual snares to entangle us, but through God’s protection, we can avoid these traps. When we dwell in the secret place of the Most High, no weapon formed against us can prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

2 Thessalonians 3:3: 

 â€śBut the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.”

- Apostle Selman emphasizes that God’s faithfulness ensures our protection. As we walk with God in obedience and faith, He establishes us and guards us from the attacks of the evil one. This scripture reassures us that we are not left vulnerable; God’s faithfulness is our shield and defense.


Reflection & Application:

How to Experience Deliverance from Evil Daily 

Apostle Selman provides practical steps for believers to walk in continual deliverance from the evil schemes of the enemy. These steps can be applied daily to ensure God’s protection and victory:

1. Daily Surrender to God’s Will: 

One of the most important ways to secure God’s protection is by living in alignment with His will. Apostle Selman teaches that a life surrendered to God creates a hedge of protection around you. Obedience to God’s Word ensures that you are walking in His covering, and this makes it difficult for the enemy’s attacks to penetrate.

2. Engage in Spiritual Warfare: 

Apostle Selman emphasizes that deliverance from evil requires active engagement in spiritual warfare. We must use the authority given to us by Christ to bind demonic forces and resist evil (Matthew 16:19). Spiritual warfare is not a passive exercise but an active battle against the forces that seek to destroy us. Prayer, fasting, and declaring the Word of God are powerful weapons in this battle.

3. Plead the Blood of Jesus for Protection: 

The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon of deliverance. Apostle Selman teaches that when we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives, we invoke God’s protective covering. The blood speaks of victory, redemption, and protection from all forms of evil. Regularly declare the power of the blood over yourself, your family, and everything connected to you.

4. Pray for Discernment: 

One of the enemy’s greatest tactics is deception. Apostle Selman encourages believers to pray for discernment, which enables them to recognize the subtle schemes of the devil. The Holy Spirit is our guide, and He reveals the hidden traps that the enemy sets before us. Through discernment, we can avoid falling into these snares and make choices that align with God’s will.

5. Activate Angelic Assistance: 

In his message, Apostle Selman highlights the role of angels in delivering us from evil. Scripture teaches that angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14). Through prayer, we can ask God to send His angels to guard and protect us. Many believers underestimate the ministry of angels, but Apostle Selman reminds us that angelic assistance is a vital part of our spiritual defense.

Spiritual Growth Tips:

Daily Devotional: Prayer for Deliverance from Evil 

“Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before You today asking for Your divine protection. Deliver me from every evil plan of the enemy. Cover me under the shadow of Your wings and let no harm come near me. I plead the blood of Jesus over my life and declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Help me to walk in discernment and obedience, and send Your angels to guard me in all my ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Engagement Section:

Reflect and Share: 

Have you ever experienced God’s deliverance from a dangerous or evil situation? How has Apostle Selman’s teaching on divine protection strengthened your faith? We’d love to hear your testimonies and reflections. Reply to this email or share your experience on our community platform.

Closing Message: 

Apostle Selman’s message “Deliver Us From Evil” is a reminder that while we live in a world where evil is present, we are not defenseless. God has provided everything we need to walk in deliverance and victory. As you apply the principles of spiritual warfare, prayer, and obedience, may you experience God’s continual protection and live above every scheme of the enemy. Remember, the Lord is faithful to deliver you from all evil, and His hand of protection is mighty upon you!

Call to Action: 

Do you know someone who needs to experience God’s deliverance from the evil forces in their life? Share this newsletter with them and help them discover the keys to walking in divine protection and victory!

This newsletter explains how to secure divine protection and break free from evil forces, based on Apostle Selman’s message. It equips believers to walk in victory through spiritual warfare, prayer, and reliance on God’s promises.