🌱Contending for the Faith

The Pathway to Maturity

Dear Beloved in Christ,

We are excited to bring you another powerful edition of our newsletter! Today, we delve into Apostle Joshua Selman’s profound message titled “Contending for the Faith: The Pathway to Maturity.”

In this teaching, Apostle Selman reveals the crucial steps every believer must take to grow in spiritual maturity and contend for the faith. He emphasizes that the journey to spiritual growth is marked by perseverance, intentionality, and deep-rooted faith in God.

Get ready to explore how you can strengthen your walk with God and mature in the Christian faith!

Feature Article:

Contending for the Faith: The Pathway to Spiritual Maturity

In “Contending for the Faith: The Pathway to Maturity,” Apostle Joshua Selman unpacks the pressing need for believers to contend for their faith in a world filled with distractions, challenges, and spiritual opposition.

Spiritual maturity is not a passive pursuit but an active engagement in the things of God, requiring discipline, persistence, and a heart fully committed to Christ. Apostle Selman explains that contending for the faith involves standing firm in sound doctrine, growing in intimacy with God, and developing Christlike character, which ultimately leads to a life of spiritual fruitfulness and maturity.

Key Scriptures:

  • Jude 1:3:
    “Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.”

    • Apostle Selman emphasizes that Jude’s exhortation to “contend for the faith” is a call to active, intentional preservation and defense of the core principles of Christianity. In a world that often challenges biblical truths, believers must be prepared to stand firm and fight for the purity of the faith through prayer, study of the Word, and obedience to God’s commandments.

  • Hebrews 5:12-14:
    “In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”

    • Apostle Selman uses this scripture to challenge believers to grow beyond spiritual infancy. Contending for the faith requires moving from “milk”—the basic teachings of the gospel—to “solid food”—deeper spiritual truths that equip us to discern between good and evil. True maturity is marked by a continuous desire for growth and transformation.

  • Ephesians 4:13-14:
    “Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.”

    • Here, Apostle Selman emphasizes that maturity is not just personal but communal. As we grow in Christ, we contribute to the unity of the faith and the collective maturity of the body of Christ. Maturity in faith equips believers to remain steadfast, unaffected by false teachings or deception.

Reflection & Application:

Steps to Contend for the Faith and Grow in Spiritual Maturity

In this teaching, Apostle Selman lays out practical steps to help believers engage in the lifelong process of contending for their faith and maturing spiritually. Here’s how you can apply these principles in your life:

  1. Commit to the Study of the Word:
    Apostle Selman stresses that spiritual maturity begins with a deep, consistent engagement with the Word of God. As believers, we must study Scripture not only to gain knowledge but to internalize God’s truths, allowing them to transform our hearts and minds. It is through the Word that we gain the wisdom and discernment necessary to contend for the faith.

  2. Develop a Prayer-Filled Life:
    Contending for the faith requires a strong prayer life. Prayer fortifies us spiritually, enabling us to withstand trials, temptation, and spiritual warfare. Apostle Selman encourages believers to make prayer a daily priority, as it strengthens our relationship with God and gives us the power to overcome challenges.

  3. Guard Against Spiritual Apathy:
    Apostle Selman warns against the dangers of spiritual complacency and apathy. He encourages believers to remain passionate and intentional in their pursuit of God. Maturity is a process that requires diligence and an unwavering commitment to personal growth. Stagnation in the spiritual journey opens the door for compromise and deception.

  4. Pursue Godly Character and Integrity:
    Spiritual maturity is not only about knowledge but also about character. Apostle Selman emphasizes that our conduct should reflect Christlike virtues such as humility, patience, love, and self-control. As we contend for the faith, we should strive to become examples of godly character in our homes, workplaces, and communities.

  5. Remain Connected to the Body of Christ:
    Growth in faith happens best in community. Apostle Selman encourages believers to remain connected to a local church or fellowship where they can receive teaching, encouragement, and accountability. The body of Christ is designed to help each member grow and mature in their faith, contributing to the overall unity and strength of the Church.

Spiritual Growth Tips:

Daily Devotional: Prayer for Spiritual Maturity

“Heavenly Father, I thank You for calling me to grow in my faith. I ask for the grace to contend for the faith in every area of my life. Help me to study Your Word diligently, pray without ceasing, and develop Christlike character. Lead me on the path to spiritual maturity, that I may reflect Your glory and be an example to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Engagement Section:

Reflect and Share:
How has this message on contending for the faith challenged you in your spiritual journey? Have you experienced growth in areas where you once felt stagnant? We’d love to hear your testimonies and thoughts! Reply to this email or share your reflections on our community platform.

Closing Message:

Apostle Selman’s message “Contending for the Faith” calls us to rise up and take responsibility for our spiritual growth. As you continue on this path to maturity, may you find strength in the Word of God, courage in prayer, and a community that supports your journey. Remember, growth in faith is not a destination but a continuous process. Let us contend together for the faith that was once delivered to the saints and mature into the fullness of Christ.

Call to Action:

Do you know someone who needs to grow in their faith? Share this newsletter with them and encourage them to begin their journey of contending for the faith and walking toward spiritual maturity!